For women when pill was discovered in 1960s it was the greatest revelation in human history. Birth control gave women the choice to handle their lives and careers in whatever way they wanted. It was ultimate freedom. It was hailed as a great step towards equality.
But the enthusiasm did not last long. Health statistics started to pour in. The main chemical in the pill, estrogen hormone, was the main contributor to hell. And it was causing cancer of the cervix and breasts. So many lives were lost.
Science had convinced us that the pill had been reformed. New chemicals were replaced, they were harmless, and we were assured. Few years down the line, the statistics on cancer still remained same, but slightly reduced.
Public announcement that the pill is now harmless is erroneous. It has not greatly reduced cancer risk. Science must take an honest and clear stand on the pill and not jeopardize half of humanity – the female body. Mia Gaudet of American Cancer Society says, “There is consistent evidence that oral contraceptive pills increase a woman’s risk of breast and cervical cancer”. Still pill is the most sought-after birth control method. Women are not given information on the dangers of the pill. How many daughters, mothers and wives India must lose to cancer before we give them the light of knowledge.
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