Young India which is 65% under age of 35 years is a great blessing. This India is full of energy, youth and hopes. This India is also not preoccupied with any ism like socialism or capitalism. It’s looking for its place on the earth. This India compares itself with the best available globally – be it education, technology and social upheavals. This India is also looking for self identity more fiercely than any generation in recent history. And it is not content with answers coming from the generation older than it.
This India is proud of its history, its culture and its religion. This India also understands its survival from Vedic age to present times. Its soul is perhaps hidden in its villages. But it is looking for answers that older generation must provide. A wave of strong nationalism prevails in India, and it must be nourished in constructive format. Nationalism should not make us feel guilty. Praise of Nationalism is not Indian phenomena. We should look around globally. It is happening everywhere – be it Europe, USA, Russia or China.
The French President Emmanuel Macarron who is young under 40, was barely able to defend its National front Rivals calling them people with “illiberal” fascinating ideas. Britain wanted to exit European Union because Britain wanted to save itself from aliens. Viktor Orban of Hungary gets his support for anti-immigrant citizens. Jaroslaw Kaczynski of Poland is drumming up national pride to stay in power. Putin has more approval from Russian population than any other president since fall of Soviet Union – all in the name of Motherland and national pride.
United States elections were tilted to Donald Trump, a very mediocre politician compared to the dashing rockstar personality of Hillary Clinton. His theme was simple – Give America back to Americans. His major support comes from right of center rural America, trying to discover its glory in heartlands.
India must find its own face for of nationalism that embraces rule of law with full responsibility of a great unifying culture of 5000 years old proven history. That is not unreasonable to expect from older to the younger generation.
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