In August 1947 when India was winning and claiming its sovereignty, the UK government “Office of India”, was renamed as “Commonwealth Relations Office”.
British had the fantasy to live with their past slaves as their head. After winning the wars of Plassy, 1757 and Dadar in 1857, the empire forgot that its roots were betrayal and deceptions of Lord Clive against Siraj-U-Daulah, and betrayal with Rani Laxmi Bai.
The empire looted India with shiploads of our wealth as personal and imperial fortunes. Clive committed suicide when his personal loots in shiploads were published out. India lost war in 1857 again for whatever historic reasons.
But Indians were not like the rest of their empire in Caribbean and in Africa or Australia. It was a big country with powerful kingdoms of Peshwas in west, Rajputs in north and east was the weak spot. This is how British deceptively created their empire starting from Calcutta. And they kept building the Raj for almost 2 centuries
By end of World War II British empire was wrecked and Indians pushed them out. But british wanted to create a fantasy empire of past glory and created the commonwealth. Nehru, for whatever reasons, was seduced to stay with this British Fantasy of past slaves.
Now it’s not too late when India should kick in the butt of this fantasy empire of commonwealth, and quit. Indians were losers in wars of 1757 and 1857. This new India must accept past losses but claim its place on the world stage. Germany lost wars, so did Japan and China but never did they accept British as masters as Indians did.
Quitting commonwealth is the best we can do before dreaming of world stage for ourselves.
British wanted colored people after World War I to rebuilt Britain and started a movement called “Empire Windrush”. Ships filled with laborers from Caribbeans and India were taken to England to rebuild it after the war. These colored people are now settled in Britain.
After 71 years, British want them out now alonfwith Brexit wave,, keeping jobs for their white children. UK border control agency is demanding papers of immigration from colored people that they, the British officers themselves had destroyed decades ago.
Boris Johnson, the present foreign minister had joked about colored people as cheering “piccaninnies” for the queen, when he was not a minister few years earlier.
Does India still deserve more insults from bankrupt little United Kingdom of year 2018?
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