HomeOpinionFocusCorona Mask and Six ft Distance Rule is Revised by Oxford Researchers

Corona Mask and Six ft Distance Rule is Revised by Oxford Researchers

Three absolute rules to fight coronavirus set by American Lancet and British Medical Journal are like etching on the stone –

  1. wash your hands
  2. wear a mask
  3. keep a six feet distance

Now the researchers say No. 3 needs some improvement, a mechanism by making fine adjustments to it.

Scientists believe now that droplets and aerosols containing the pathogens can be forced spread at least 8 meters (26 feet) by coughing, sneezing, shouting and singing. Researchers say the 6-foot rule of social distancing is wrong and oversimplified. They present a chart that explain the risk under several situations.

Risk free distance should be judged according to that situation in a chart here. Multiple factors play the role of defining safe distance. Is the target silent, talking or singing or shouting? Is the space open or indoors? Is the contact short or long meaning DURATION? Is the area ventilated well or poorly?

Risk is great at a crowded bar or night club or a big marriage function, distancing should be extended beyond 2 meters and decide how long one wants to stay in that kind of environment meaning duration. The shorter the better.

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