HomeOpinionFocusA Practical, Realistic and Effective Quarantine Guide India badly Needs

A Practical, Realistic and Effective Quarantine Guide India badly Needs

by Pardarshi, San Francisco, California

Quarantine has become an essential and unavoidable part of living and travelling anywhere in the world. Different countries enforce different broad guidelines that leave many questions unanswered and confusing interpretations. One very good thing that has come out of last seven months since covid 19 is that scientists understand it much better today than they did initially, and when India is adding new infections faster than any other country. Our staff talked to quarantine specialists at Alta Bates Hospital in San Francisco Bay Area.

They explained the following issues:

1.Define quarantine!

it is separating a person , really sealing a person from all other contacts in the society as much as possible.US  CDC has decided that 14 day period from incubation of virus . Day four to day seven are most infectious when virus would invade all those coming in contact of  quarantined person after the exposure. Some people do not feel sick even till 14 th day because not enough virus accumulated in the body till that time

2.Now what am I supposed to do?

Isolate yourself fully, no going anywhere. No food store, no snack bar or restaurant, no friend visit, no parks. Food service delivery person must not come in direct contact with you. Have them leave the supply at door steps and go away. Relative or friend can leave essential needs at your door which should be kept closed. No outside visitor should be allowed in your home or room.

3.Can I get Covid- 19 test?

The only place you can go to during quarantine is the hospital. If symptoms appear strong any time, go to hospital. Otherwise on day seventh after day zero of exposure, get tested if you want to comfort yourself or your family members. Get tested immediately if you feel symptoms affecting you significantly. Get retested if first result was negative and you feel symptoms afterwards. False negative is very possible in early stages of infection. Remember virus incubation is three days.

4.How do I quarantine in the family?

Most ideal is a hotel room or else lock yourself in a room. get a test on day seventh. If its negative, you are covid free unless you have the symptoms. If you have to isolate yourself in your room, make sure you wear mask all times. Keep your door closed. If you share toilet, disinfect it after use by wiping door knobs, faucets, flush points and let fresh air circulate. Covid does not like open and fresh air. They are very fragile and die fast from fresh air. Other members of family do not have to wear mask all the time, but when they come in contact with you. However, wearing mask all times is prudent for all if possible.

 Covid is also not like small pox or TB, this virus dies fast, still it is good idea to have separate utensils and wash utensils yourself with hot water.

5.What and why is the fourteen-day period fixed for?

Day 14th is set for quarantine because most are strongest on day 4th but any left over  virus will have chance to incubate by day 14 or the results will be negative. It can be cut shorter if there are no symptoms and result is negative on 7 th day. But it will depend on local law and your own good judgement.

6.How soon should I get tested after a suspected exposure?

About three days from day zero are taken in incubation after exposure to show a positive result. Up to 95 % of all those exposed will show a positive result by day seventh. Infection is strongest on day 4 th .

7.Why are so many tests and why results are so confusing?

There are two kind of tests  right now.

PCR test (polymerase chain reaction) is more reliable. The PCR test uses a nasal swab or a saliva sample, and takes two to three days to get the result. Second is a 15-minute result antigen test. The antigen test is also performed using a swab on the throat or the nose, just like the PCR. Both tests have different uses.

Main difference is that rapid antigen test is permitted by US FDA during first 7 days of some one showing symptoms and is strong infection carrier. So many infection spreaders that are asymptomatic will not get accurate results even when they are positive.

Its important to remember that false negative is always a possibility but false positive is not. Positive is there only if Covid incubation is there.

8. What Chances to get infected in a plane?

Travel should be avoided unless it is absolute necessity. There is Ubar, taxi, train or bus to get to the airport, environment of the airport itself before check in, the flight, then destination airport and then transport to final destination, added together are over seven areas where you can get infected.

 Planes are safer than these other places that get you to the plane. Some planes also keep middle seats empty for distance safety. Planes also try to stop travelers by spot checking. Nonetheless travel is a dangerous thing. Every step should be taken cautiously with every different situation.

We are living thru a pandemic that has no comparison with any past history. Surviving thru it without being overwhelmed will let us celebrate the next day. Quarantine is important weapon in fighting this war. No government can force it, but our survival instinct should. India will become the country with highest cases of Covid 19 in next few weeks as of current reports.

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