HomeOpinionFocusAsymptomatic Coronavirus Infected Can also Have Heart Failure from Exercise

Asymptomatic Coronavirus Infected Can also Have Heart Failure from Exercise

Large number of first group of patients from Wuhan, New York city and Washington state shows that people that have been infected seriously as well as those who were asymptomatic, suffered from inflammation of heart walls, known as myocarditis. That was seven months ago in the beginning phase of coronavirus, in February and March of 2020. Inflamed heart cannot push enough blood to the body. Exercise puts excess pressure on heart that can result in heart failure and death. One must rest enough to let the healing take its course. And we do not know the time period of such healing from coronavirus.  A series of such cases has been reported on September 12,2020, Friday in the journal JAMA Cardiology.

Over one third of coronavirus infected people never feel any symptom on the surface still their heart can be inflamed and they are infectious. Amateur athletes and others who do a lot of exercise like running marathon or half marathon or the shorter runs, lifting weights and other endurance exercises but don’t have access to regular cardiac screenings, can endanger their lives.

Ohio State University has developed a system according to its cardiologist and assistant professor of internal medicine, Saurabh Rajpal. Any player diagnosed with coronavirus receive a clinical examination, blood test, electrocardiogram, and MRI before returning to play making sure that heart muscles are healthy.

More research is needed to know what’s happening inside the bodies of people with coronavirus infections. Six million confirmed cases in America today can be fifty million or more real cases of infection that have not been tested. We are surrounded by dark corners of uncertainty from coronavirus, so the best course of action is to stay on guard until we know more and the vaccine is available to everyone.

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