Judiciary in India is accused of being a reserve of top two higher castes. Others may enter this territory but find themselves as outsiders.
This is a serious accusation without evidence. Through collegium system of judiciary appointment may not be perfect, but is very reasonably fair. But opponents refer to Human Rights Watch report “The Brahmins that comprise only one percent of India’s 1 billion people, fill 78 percent of Indian judiciary posts”.
This is an extremely arrogant statement by Human Rights Watch. This is an NGO based in New York city since 1978.
Have they commented ever on “US Supreme Court” representation. It has 20 alumni and 16 graduates from Harvard Law School alone. Yale law school gave 10 alumni and 8 graduates. Columbia Law School gave 7 alumni and 4 graduates.
United States is a big country with the finest brains. Why did these three laws schools alone find it possible to fill US Supreme Court?
Human Rights Watch will never accuse US choices for its highest court. US President may select a judge for his judgments and political views but his nomination has to go through legislature.
What does dominance of Harvard have to do with choice of judges? Because Harvard picks the best talent on competitive basis.
Indian Society Works differently. There is no Harvard or Yale in India of course. But India has a caste based system of over five thousand years. Command of a Brahmin over Sanskrit is hard to challenge by other castes. Even Darwin’s evolution cannot go too far from the DNA issues. Harvard alumni are called the Brahmins, Pundits of America, for nothing.
Promoting disadvantaged is a judicious matter, but not at the cost of quality. That should apply to medical schools, public services or professional careers where decisions are made according to individual capacity to critical thinking. Now what does critical thinking have anything to do with caste?
A good example to counter this accusation is our beloved Narendra Modi. He may have faults but he never flagged himself as OBC until Mayavati declared him as fake OBC in 2014.
So Indian Supreme Court being Brahmin exclusive club is not a fair accusation.
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