India is brighter spot for citizens of other neighboring countries to move to and to earn a living. Countries like Bangladesh, Myanmar have large Muslim population and less economic opportunities than India so poor Muslims from these countries move to India. It is simple economics of demand and supply. India must protect its resources for its own 1.3 billion citizens. So India is building large detention camps for illegal migrants.
Western media and left leaning Indian elite class of academicians and politicians and intellectuals who are just handful, cry it foul. They blame prime minister Modi as dictator, some call him strongman. This particular type of sensationalists think all Muslims will be put in concentration camps.
Few in the world understand that India has a population of 170 million Muslims. India has had three Muslim presidents in its 70 year history unlike one (Obama) in US history of over 200 years.
If Indian Muslims had thought of making trouble, it would have been many times the size of Syria troubles. But they are content and happy. Inter sectarian hostility of different sects among Muslims is far more destructive like Shia and Sunni or Ahmadi differences and distrust.
It is interesting to observe BBC, Washington Post, NPR and New York Times cried foul when Modi parliament invalidated its article 370 under law to make Kashmir a Union Territory. Western Media claimed slaughter of freedom of 80 million Kashmir Muslims. None of this media mentioned plight of Kashmiri Pandit s of a million population that ran away to save their lives. Western media may do this for click baits in modern times.
But western politicians always wanted to see India beleaguered for their own geopolitical reasons. England wanted to have Kashmir to Pakistan so that west could keep eye on Russia after second world war. West was weary of Indian socialist rulers. Gandhi-Nehru-Patel were harder to manipulate than Pak Jinnah or its military commanders.
Western world is still not used to a powerful and independent India that can create moon missions at tenth the cost of NASA moon mission. West should forget the snake charmer India like opium drawn China of the past. And we hope that Indian left leaning intellectuals wake up to needs and aspirations of new India.
Over a billion and a quarter Indian voter being called fools is not a simple unpatriotic intellectual freedom for Indian Left leaning intellectuals and wise for sensationalist western media pillars!
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