Mohan Bhagwat the head of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has gained love of ordinary Indian, by emphasizing on two issues that concern India of today seriously- the issue of Muslims and their place in the history of India, secondly what RSS thinks of gay and lesbian and transgender population in India.
The three-day conclave of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in New Delhi recently, gave opportunity to Sangh to explain its stand . Sangh had not been emphatic on these issues earlier. Sangh being quiet on the two issues gave impression to media which is mostly pro left and to those who do not like Sangh for whatever reason, that RSS is an institute that fails to knows how to move with 21 st century global moves.
Let us analyze why the two issues demanded Sangh attention.
Too many prohibitions from Indra and Nehru dynasty after independence had portrayed picture of RSS as reactionary, fascist, anti Muslim, anti gay backward 18 th century institute with sinister and ill , mysterious motives. Their good deeds during all national calamities were never brought to light in post independence 20 th century India from floods, plagues, flu epidemics of 1950 s to earth quakes and floodings in recent history. Their work and sacrifices were a byline but rarely a headline in Media. The so-called educated elites, the Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-1859) followers of British Raj thought it fashionable to snub and call them backward reactionaries.
On justifying RSS stand on Muslims, left and right of the political spectrum both should agree that India was a tortured land under Muslims and Mughal rulers for 800 years before British colonials took over and looted whatever was left. But Muslims of today are innocent and sufferers of the history themselves. They are integral part of India as any other person.
Gay and lesbian rights movement is an extremely rare and small segment of society. Hindu culture and tradition are filled with stories starting with and may be earlier than Mahabharat. British made gay sex laws for protection of their empire. Even then every Hindu religious function or marriage is incomplete without donation to gay communities that attend such functions with blessings.
Mohan Bhagwat the RSS head deserves a salutation from all of us by clarifying RSS stand on these important issues. His assertion should not be confused with wanting to please electorate in coming elections but a good faith exercise for the well-being of Mother India.
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