Berkeley elite campus, San Francisco high tech professionals and elite media of West or that of India accuse Modi, the Prime Minister of India of being a dictator, tyrant, cow slaughter related lynching leader and God knows what more. What do they have in common?
Yesterday I was talking to the 26-year-old daughter of a friend in San Francisco who is of Indian Gujarati ascendancy and is a software engineer, and she said she does not want to hear a word about Modi because he hates Muslims. I tried to explain the history and tragedy of current laws regarding new citizenship laws, she got up and left abruptly. Late last month, I was talking to a Rhetoric and literature professor at renowned University of California, Berkeley, on new citizenship laws of India- Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). He announced that Indian democracy is in grave danger because Modi hates Muslims.
Modi was called Divider in chief of India by the British magazine Economist. Washington Post, New Yorker and New York Times each has accused Modi of spreading hatred and fear among Muslim minority of India.
Best considered University in India, JNU has a very vocal group of students that are demonstrating against new citizenship laws.
A very weak and shaky opposition party is Congress that blames Modi for hateful citizenship laws to oppress Muslims.
What do Modi Haters have in Common?
All above groups have one thing in common. They are best trained brains globally and regionally in India. they are well trained in technology and 21 century commerce globally.
Why do they hate Modi, the Prime Minister of India who was elected by 1.3 billion people by an astounding majority of over two third MPs in its lower House of Parliament?
This group hates Modi for different reasons.
Students and academicians globally hate Modi for simplistic reason that Muslims from neighboring Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan have been stopped from getting Indian citizenship after 2014 as cut-off date. These idealistic but idle brains do not understand that India has been overwhelmed by history. There are good reasons for these laws.
Why does western Europe have preference of East European migrants over Chinese, African or Indian nationals? Why does Trump win America for wanting of a wall between Mexico and USA?
The seventy-five-percent of Hindu population is going down every year since India got rid of Colonial white masters. Indian so called Left of center intellectuals need little soul searching. Article 370 was a shameful cowardly act, triple talak was a black spot on a civil society.
A Little Dose of History
Europeans were barbarians when Mohammad Gori started invasion of India in eleventh century. Muslim Sultanate had frightened Hindus rulers scattered all over India till Mughal empire defeated Muslim Sultanate. Mughals emptied Indian wealth in wars, destructions and building their monuments like Fatahpur Sikari, Taj Mahal or Red Fort. No statistics are available on how much wealth and how many lives were sacrificed on building these monuments.
Queen Elizabeth I was intimidated by prosperity and wealth of India during Akbar times in 16 th century. British saw this wealth with a predatory eye. A simple clerk became Lord Clive after deceptive Plassey war and returned home with ship load of wealth he personally looted in India. British were worse than Mughals in destroying this great nation. By the time British were decayed from 1945 world war, they had robbed India of its wealth and spirit both. But they had to leave.
Partition and Pakistan were created with sly foresight of the British to keep India engaged in struggling with neighbors. Worst damage they did to India was to create a so-called democratic system by those Indians trained by British education, and also those who worshiped British system. It came to be known as Congress party. Its primary leader was Jawahar Lal Nehru. His Family has ruled the country for seventy long years for five generations. Congress had followed policy of appeasing of Muslim vote bank. They preached democracy and socialism enriching themselves immensely almost but not totally like Soviet Russia. Democracy was won only when a tea seller on footpath became prime minister of India in 2014, declaring changes he would do that alarms left of center now in 2020 in India.
India still lives in Thousands of years old Tradition
All this was happening on higher level of civilization in India. Lower level that lived in villages that amounted to over seventy-five percent of population, and was still happy in its slumber of over thousands of years. They worshiped Ram, Krishna, Vedas, Puranas and Upanishads as part of their real life and existence and with total faith.
Muslims, Mughals, British came and left but it did not concern those, whom we should call “real India”. But 21 century technology revolution, smart phones and globalization has finally broken this long slumber of this real India sleeping.
Why Is Modi Special?
This real India living in villages voted for a hermit to become prime minister of India whose passion and honesty was easy to see on their smart phone and TV. His party had to fight elections and so accumulate wealth, and may have some bad people. But personally, this is the only man in world history where his wife, a retired teacher, commutes in public bus, a brother has a tire repair shop or some thing similar, another brother is a simple government clerk. They are barely hand to mouth middle class people struggling for self respect and survival. Compare this with most important Congress leaders most of whom became new kings, nawabs and industrialists in so called License Raj of Nehru socialism.
What is the message for JNU and Other Elites?
Get some basic history lessons from Gita, Puranas, Mahabharat and Ramayana. These are not old fashion books, their wisdom supersedes Aristotle, Plato and Socrates, Rousseau, Sigmund Freud or Nietzsche. Get some lessons on Guptas, Moryas, Muslim Sultanate, Mughal and British Empires and most importantly the current geopolitical global situation and where India stands to survive or vanish.
How can Muslims be in danger when their number has swollen from 30 million in 1947 to present 300 million? What do neighboring Muslim countries want and how they present danger to survival of India itself?
Technology does not teach survival, but lessons in history and culture may do.
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